
臨床栄養学 2017: ノートルダム大学の学生におけるライフスタイル、食事要因、体組成の関連性: 横断的研究 - ジェシー・エル・ハイエク - ノートルダム大学


この研究は、ノートルダム大学の学生の身体合成に対する食事、社会階層、ライフスタイル要因の影響を調べることを目的としています。この横断的研究では、社会階層、ライフスタイル、身体測定要因(体格(細脂肪体重(SLM)、筋肉対脂肪率(PBF)、および本能的脂肪領域(VFA))を収集しました。ストレスは、外見的ストレススケール(PSS)で評価しました。食事は、MEDFICTSで評価しました。392人の学生のうち、3.1%が低体重、59%が標準、40%が太りすぎまたは肥満でした。女性では、男性(2.5%)と比較して10.5%が治療的ライフスタイル変更(TLC)に従い、男性の52.5%が食事の変更を必要としたのに対し、女性は39.5%でした(p<0.01)。 TLC に固執した男性は、PBF の第 1 三分位に属していた。PBF/VFA/SLM の第 1 三分位のメンバーは、腹部境界 (WC) が最も小さく、BMI が最も高く、健康スコアが最も高かった。SLM の第 1 三分位の男性だけが、ウエスト対身長 (WHt) が最も高かった。喫煙は男性のみで PBF と関連していた。長時間睡眠の総数は、男女とも PBF/SLM と関連がなく、女性では VFA と関連がなかったが、VFA の第 1 三分位の男性は、第 3 三分位の男性 (6.9 時間) よりも睡眠時間が長かった (7.5 時間) (p<0.01)。サンプルの大半は標準体重であったが、ほとんどの男性は太りすぎまたは肥満であった。ライフスタイルと食事要因と体組成の関係は性別間で同じではなかったため、学校では性別に基づく栄養介入を行うことが重要であった。

Methods: A cross-sectional examination was completed on Notre Dame University (NDU) representatives, in the Zouk Mosbeh, North, and Shouf grounds. Before the commencement of the examination, the investigation convention was affirmed by the Institutional Review Board of NDU. Starting in October 2016, an e-welcome was sent to all staff and employees of NDU to welcome them to take an interest in the investigation. Following the e-welcome, four nutritionists visited all personnel and staff individuals in their workplaces to energize investment. Of the 600 reached workers in the three NDU grounds, 360 acknowledged to take an interest and were screened for qualification. Avoidance rules included pregnancy, lactation, inability to finish the surveys, and nearness of a pacemaker or metal pieces in the member's body. The individuals who were seen as qualified (n = 344) were approached to sign an educated assent structure and afterward reached by the examination agents to organize a 30-min up close and personal meeting. A distinguishing proof number was relegated to every member. All polls were named utilizing codes. The specialists kept up the rundown partner names with codes and were accountable for keeping it private.

Results: A sum of 344 representatives (half Male) matured somewhere in the range of 20 and 74 years took an interest in the examination. The greater part of the members were overweight and fat. Mean serum nutrient D focuses were 28.2 ± 13.9 ng/mL. Among members, 37.5% of our investigation populace had 25(OH)D ≥ 30 ng/mL, and 68.3% had 25(OH)D ≥ 20 ng/mL. People with low nutrient D status had essentially higher percent muscle to fat ratio (PBF) (p < 0.005), and higher abdomen periphery (WC) (p = 0.012) than in the adequate gathering, anyway BMI didn't vary by nutrient D status. Strategic relapse examination showed that a 1% expansion in muscle versus fat expands the chances of having 25(OH)D ≤ 30 ng/mL by 8% while controlling for BMI and different confounders (p = 0.019).

Statistical analyses: Accepting that the commonness pace of nutrient D inadequacy among Lebanese grown-ups was 73% [5], the example size was determined to be 303 people. Quantitative and subjective estimations were summed up as mean ± standard deviation and n (%), separately. Examinations of consistent and straight out factors were performed utilizing autonomous example T Test/Mann-Whitney-U-test and the chi square test/Fisher's careful test, individually. Two calculated relapse models were utilized, where low nutrient D status (characterized as 25(OH)D ≤ 30 ng/mL or ≤ 20 ng/mL) was utilized as the reliant variable and PBF was utilized as the free factor, controlling for BMI, age, sexual orientation, daylight introduction, nutrient D admission, nutrient D supplements use, liquor consumption, admission of oral prophylactic pills (OCP), instruction, sunscreen use, incessant sickness status, salary, physical action, cholesterol, triglycerides, HDL, and LDL levels. Factual investigations were performed utilizing the Statistical Package for Social Sciences (SPSS) form 22 for Windows. A p-estimation of under 0.05 was considered factually critical.

Conclusion: This investigation strengthens the requirement for customary screening for low nutrient D status in Lebanese grown-ups, especially people in danger, incorporating those with high hazard WC, high PBF, who work inside and have low nutrient D consumption, and suggesting nutrient D supplementation if necessary.

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