
Linking Global Commerce and Women-Owned Business

Gina Lynn Kershaw

Influencers are the new wave in marketing. They create a valuable word-of-mouth, viral buzz about products and businesses that can be secured with minimal brand investment. Businesses have been successfully using these influencers and bloggers to promote their products, while the influencers themselves have been largely content with earning small payments or free products for their role. That is, until recently.  Influencers and bloggers are starting to realize the huge power they have in their hands, and have been using that influence to build their own wildly successful companies.  Power influencer, Kylie Jenner, built a billion-dollar cosmetics company (without traditional advertising) using only her social media presence. Medium and Micro-Niche Influencers are also starting to capitalize on their smaller media presences to create their own profitable companies.  Utilizing strategies like dropshipping, these influencers have been able to easily build their own online boutiques without the previous hassles of securing investors, buying and storing inventory, or even shipping to customers.  They can do all of this for investments as low as $100 US per month. This e-commerce strategy has lowered the barrier to entry into the online business arena for women globally. This presentation explores how influencers are using e-commerce and dropshipping techniques to create their own successful online companies and will provide attendees with actionable steps they can use to start their own boutiques right away