Misako Namiki* and Toyokazu Kobayashi
Journal of Veterinary Science & Medical Diagnosisは、動物 のさまざまな疾患の 診断と治療 に関する知識の進歩に大きく貢献する 厳密な 研究を奨励する オープンアクセスのジャーナルです。 JVSMD には、獣医 学、 獣医療技術 、 獣医学 総局に関連するすべての主要テーマが含まれています
JVSMD は 、研究、レビュー、短いコミュニケーション、症例報告、迅速なコミュニケーション、編集者への手紙、会議議事録などを含む幅広い記事を受け入れます。ジャーナルには、各分野の専門家からなる健全な 編集委員会があります 。著者が投稿した論文は、編集者およびその分野の査読専門家のグループによって評価され、 受理されて出版された論文が高品質であること、その分野の確かな学問を反映していること、およびそこに含まれる情報が正確で信頼性が高く有益であることが保証されます。科学コミュニティに 。 JVSMD では、品質レビュープロセスに編集マネージャー システムを使用しています 。エディトリアル マネージャーは、 オンラインの 原稿投稿、 レビュー 、追跡システムです。著者はシステムを通じて論文を投稿し、進捗状況を追跡できます。
Manuscripts along with cover letters can be submitted to the journal via Online Submission System or as an e-mail attachment to the Editorial Office at submissions@scitechnol.com.
Authors can also track the status of their manuscripts post submission through our manuscript tracking system.
Journal of Veterinary Science and Medical Diagnosis organizes 9th Global Veterinary Summit, which is going to be held dutring November 16-17, 2017, at Las Vegas, USA.
Veterinary Physiology
Veterinary physiology is the science dealing with animals biological systems and functioning of these systems. Veterinary physiology includes the study of the various physical, chemical and Biological parameters underlying the biological systems in animals.
Veterinary Pathology
Veterinary pathology is the study of various diseases in animals and the underlying causes of the diseases. Veterinary pathology mainly focuses on the morphological recognition and functional interpretation of disease conditions in animals and defines the etiology and pathogenesis of the diseases.
Animal Ethics
Animal ethics describes the relationship between human and animals and how animals should to be treated. Animal ethics includes various aspects of animal rights, animal welfare, animal law, animal cognition, wildlife conservation, the moral status of nonhuman animals, the concept of nonhuman personhood, human exceptionalism, the history of animal use, and theories of justice.
Animal Nutrition
Animal nutrition is the field of veterinary science dealing with the various dietary needs of animals. Animal nutrition also deals with the various diagnosis of nutritional problems in animals.
Animal Microbiology
Animal Microbiology deals with the microbial diseases of animals caused by different kinds of bacteria, fungi and viruses. Animal Microbiology is of major interest due to their relation with humans (zoonotic diseases) and domestic animals.
Veterinary Pharmacology
Veterinary pharmacology includes the studies related to all the medicines used to treat the various diseases, disorders and injuries caused due to various internal and external factors. Veterinary Pharmacology includes the study of the influence of these medicines on physical, chemical and biological parameters of animal biological processes.
Animal Husbandry
Animal husbandry includes the management and care of animals by humans in which genetic features and behavior are further developed for the advantage of humans. Animal Husbandry also refers to the practice of selective breeding and raising livestock to obtain desirable characteristics in animals and be at maximum advantageous to humans.
Animal Diagnosis
Animal diagnosis includes the diagnosis of animals for various diseases, disorders and injuries. Animal diagnosis includes physical examination, enquiry with the owner of the animal, veterinary history of the animal and paraclinical findings obtained from laboratory tests and radiological studies.
Veterinary Pathology
Structural and Functional Biosciences for Animals is the branch of veterinary sciences which studies the various structural and functional aspects pertaining to the animal biological processes. A sound knowledge of the various structural and functional biosciences for animals will help in diagnosis and treatment of animal diseases.
Treatment of Veterinary Diseases
Treatment of veterinary diseases includes the different aspects of diagnosis and treatment of various veterinary diseases which include bacterial, viral and fungal diseases, injuries caused due to external and internal factors and various disorders seen in animals.
Veterinary Virology
Veterinary virology is a sub discipline of veterinary medicine and veterinary virology deals with the study of different viruses causing viral diseases and disorders and animals.
Veterinary Immunization
Veterinary immunization & Vaccination deals with the various immunization techniques related to animals and the major goals of Veterinary immunization & Vaccination is to improve the health and welfare of animals, increase production in livestock and prevent animal-to-human disease transmission.
Pre-clinical Studies in Animal Models
Pre-clinical Studies in Animal Models includes the various aspects related to the Phase I, Phase II, Phase III and Phase IV studies on animals. Pre-clinical Studies in Animal Models are used to test various drugs and cosmetic products.
Animal Welfare
Animal welfare is the study of the well-being of animals. Animal welfare is the branch of veterinary science dealing with various aspects such as longevity, diseases, immunosuppression, behavior, physiology, and reproduction in animals.
Animal Genetics
Animal Genetics deals with the research related to the immunogenetics, molecular genetics and functional genomics of animals. Animal Genetics includes the various aspects related to the variability at gene and protein levels, mapping of gene, traits and QTL, associations between genes and traits, genetic diversity, and characterization of gene expression and control in animals.
Veterinary Oncology
Veterinary oncology is a sub discipline of veterinary medicine dealing with cancer causes, diagnosis and treatment of animals. Veterinary Oncology is believed to be the major cause of death in animals.
Veterinary Technology
Veterinary technology deals with the study of various procedures used for the medical care of animals. Veterinary technology plays a very key role in the diagnosis and treatment of various diseases, disorders and injuries in animals.
Veterinary Medicine
Veterinary medicine deals with the prevention, diagnosis and treatment of disease, disorder and injury in animals. Veterinary medicine covers both domesticated and wild animals with wide scope of conditions which can affect different species.
Veterinary Clinical Sciences
Veterinary Clinical Sciences includes various disciplines of internal medicine, surgery, theriogenology, oncology, cardiology, diagnostic imaging, anesthesiology, and rural veterinary practice related to animals.
Animal Breeding
Animal breeding deals with the application of the various principles of genetics and biometry to improve the efficiency of production in animals. Animal breeding plays a very keyrole in livestock sciences.
2016 Journal Impact Factor is the ratio of the number of citations achieved in the year 2016 based on Google Search and Google Scholar Citations to the total number of articles published in the last two years i.e. in 2014 and 2015. Impact factor measures the quality of the Journal.
If ‘X’ is the total number of articles published in 2014 and 2015, and ‘Y’ is the number of times these articles were cited in indexed journals during 2016 then, impact factor = Y/X.
迅速な編集実行およびレビュー プロセス (FEE レビュー プロセス):
Journal of Veterinary Science & Medical Diagnosis は、通常の論文処理料金とは別に 99 ドルを追加の前払いで、高速編集実行およびレビュー プロセス (FEE レビュー プロセス) に参加しています。高速編集実行およびレビュー プロセスは、査読者からのレビューだけでなく担当編集者からのレビュー前段階での応答も迅速に得ることができる、記事のための特別なサービスです。著者は投稿後最大 3 日で事前レビューの応答を得ることができ、査読者によるレビュープロセスは最大 5 日で得られ、その後改訂/出版は 2 日で完了します。記事が担当編集者から改訂の通知を受けた場合、前の査読者または代替査読者による外部レビューにさらに 5 日かかります。
原稿の受理は、編集チームの考慮事項と独立した査読の処理によって完全に決定され、定期的な査読出版へのルートや迅速な編集レビュープロセスに関係なく、最高の基準が維持されることが保証されます。担当編集者と記事寄稿者は、科学的基準を遵守する責任があります。論文審査手数料 99 ドルは、論文が拒否または出版が取り下げられた場合でも返金されません。
責任著者または機関/組織は、原稿の査読プロセスの料金を支払う責任があります。追加料金レビュープロセスの支払いは、迅速なレビュー処理と迅速な編集上の決定をカバーし、定期的な論文の出版はオンライン出版のためのさまざまな形式での準備をカバーし、HTML、XML、PDF などの多数の永久アーカイブに全文が確実に含まれるようにします。さまざまなインデックス作成機関にフィードします。
Misako Namiki* and Toyokazu Kobayashi