VEGETOS: 植物研究の国際ジャーナル



VEGETOS は、植物研究の分野に関する研究開発を広めることによって自らの進歩を目指す査読済みのハイブリッド学術ジャーナルです。研究者や学者が研究成果を発表する媒体として機能します。研究論文、症例報告、会議議事録、解説、ショートコミュニケーション、ラピッドコミュニケーション、会議抄録などのオリジナル論文が私たちのジャーナルに受け入れられます。

VEGETOS テーマには次のものが含まれますが、これらに限定されません。

  • 植物学
  • 植物生理学
  • 植物細胞生物学
  • 植物生化学
  • 植物遺伝学
  • 植物分子生物学
  • 植物の生殖
  • 農学
  • 園芸科学
  • 植物病理学
  • 植物の系統発生
  • 植物ゲノミクス
  • 植物プロテオミクス
  • 植物エキス

査読はVEGETOSの編集委員または外部の専門家によって行われます。引用可能な原稿を受理するには、少なくとも 2 人の独立した査読者の承認とその後の編集者の承認が必要です。著者は原稿を提出し、オンライン追跡システムを通じて進捗状況を追跡できます。





The Journal of Agricultural Science, Journal of Agricultural Science, Journal of Agricultural Science and Technology, Bulgarian Journal of Agricultural Science, Annals of Agricultural Sciences, International Journal of Agricultural Sciences, Ghana Journal of Agricultural Science, Journal of Agriculture and Environmental Sciences


Botany is the science of plant life and a branch of biology that deals with the study of plants. Plants are a wide range of living organisms from the tiniest organisms to the mammoth living organisms. In general terms plants include algae, fungi, lichens, mosses, ferns, conifers and flowering plants. Botany is the scientific discipline that works on observation, experimentation, recording, classification, and the testing of hypotheses, in a methodological manner.

Journals related to Botany

Journal of Botany, Canadian Journal of Botany, American Journal of Botany, The Journal of Experimental Botany, International Journal of Modern Botany, Botanical Studies, open access botany journals, open access botany journals, Brazilian Journal of Botany, Belgian Journal of Botany, Journal of Indian botany.

Horticulture Sciences

Horticulture Sciences is the branch of agriculture that deals with the art, science, technology, and business of vegetable garden plant growing. Horticulture is the science and art of producing, improving, marketing, and using fruits, vegetables, flowers, and ornamental plants. It differs from botany and other plant sciences in that horticulture incorporates both science and aesthetics.

Journals related to Horticulture Sciences

Postharvest Biology and Technology, Plant Cell, Tissue and Organ Culture, Scientia Horticulturae, Revista Ciencia Agronomica, Journal of the American Society for Horticultural Science, Horticultura Brasileira, American Society for Hortcultural Science, HortTechnology, Horticultural Reviews, Horticulture Environment and Biotechnology

Plant Biochemistry

Plant Biochemistry is the study of chemical processes within and relating to living organisms. By controlling information flow through biochemical signaling and the flow of chemical energy through metabolism, biochemical processes give rise to the complexity of life. Today, the main focus of pure biochemistry is in understanding how biological molecules enhance the processes that occur inside living cells, which directly relates greatly to the study and understanding of entire organisms.

Journals related to Plant Biochemistry

Journal of Plant Biochemistry and Biotechnology, Advances in Plant Biochemistry and Molecular Biology, Plant Biochemistry, Plant biochemistry and bioenergy, Plant Biochemistry Physiology Journals, Plant Biochemistry and Physiology, Journal of Plant Biochemistry and Biotechnology, Plant Physiology and Biochemistry, Plant Biochemistry, Biochemistry & Molecular Biology of Plants, Journal of Plant biochemistry, Biochemistry and Plant Molecular Physiology

Plant Cell Biology

Plant Cell Biology deals with the study of plant cells and its organelles. The nature of behaviour of plant cells and its organelles in the functioning and development of the plant. The various processes undertaken by the cells in the plant can be studied indepth in plant cell biology. Cells play a vital role in the growth and development of the plant.

Journals related to Plant Cell Biology

Pathology: Mechanisms of Disease, Annual Review of Plant Biology, Trends in Plant Science, Annual Review of Phytopathology, Plant Cell, Current Opinion in Plant Biology, Plant Physiology, Plant Journal, New Phytologist, Plant, Cell and Environment, Plant and Cell Physiology, Journal of Vegetation Science

Plant Ecology

Plant ecology is a branch of ecology which is concerned with the distribution and spread of plants, the effects of environmental factors onto the plants, and the interactions and communication between plants and other organisms. Diverse methodologies and approaches involved in the study and its implications in the nature and thoroughly assessed in the field of Plant Ecology.

Journals related to Plant Ecology

Journal of Plant Ecology, Plant Ecology & Diversity, Plant Ecology, Evolution and Systematics, Frontiers in Plant Science, Plant Ecology and Evolution, Journal of Ecology, Chines Journal of Plant Ecology, Ecological Applications.

Plant Genetics

Plant Genetics is a wide spectrum term. There are muliple types of genetics in general. The concept of genetics is the branch of biology that deals with heredity, especially the mechanisms of hereditary transmission and the variation of inherited characteristics among similar or related organisms. Plant genetics deals with the associated activities of the plant that effect the day to day life processes of the plant.  

Journals related to Plant Genetics

Journal of Plant Breeding and Genetics, Plant Genetic Resources, International Journal of Plant Breeding and Genetics, Plant Genetics and Genomics, International Journal of Plant Breeding and Genetics, Indian Journal of Plant Genetic Resources, Indian Journal of Plant Genetic Resources, Genetic Resources and Crop Evolution, Genetic Resources and Crop Evolution, Journal of Plant Genetics and Transgenics, Plant Gene

Plant Genomics

Plant Genomics is the part of molecular biology working with the structure, function, evolution, and mapping of genomes in plants. Genomics is the study of genes, their expression and their activities, the role played in biology. Genomics is a branch of genetics that is concerned with the sequencing and analysis of organism's genome. Genomis aids us in maintaining the large number of database that assists us to study genetic variation.

Journals related to Genomics





植物科学の動向、植物科学の動向、BMC 植物生物学、統合植物生物学ジャーナル、植物育種レビュー、植物分子生物学レポーター、生理学および分子植物病理学、植物科学ジャーナル










植物生理学は、植物の機能、生理学に関連する植物学の下位部門です。相互に関連する分野には、植物形態学 (植物の構造)、植物生態学 (環境との相互作用)、植物化学 (植物の生化学)、細胞生物学、遺伝学、生物物理学、分子生物学が含まれます。


植物生理学、植物生理学および生化学、植物生理学ジャーナル、ブラジル植物生理学ジャーナル、ロシア植物生理学ジャーナル、植物生理学および分子生物学ジャーナル、植物生理学および生化学、アメリカ植物生理学ジャーナル、Zhiwu Shengli Xuebao/Plant Physiologyジャーナル、インド植物生理学ジャーナル











