VEGETOS: 植物研究の国際ジャーナル

Cluster Analysis and Maxent Modelling of Black gram [Vigna mungo (L.)Hepper] Genotypes from Andhra Pradesh, India

Babu Abraham, M Vanaja, P Raghu Ram Reddy, N Sivaraj and S K Chakrabarty

Cluster Analysis and Maxent Modelling of Black gram [Vigna mungo (L.)Hepper] Genotypes from Andhra Pradesh, India

Sixty four black gram genotypes, which included 61 germplasm accessions and three released check varietie ouped the 64 genotypes into nine distinct ers with high genetic variance between the clusters (D2) and low variance within the clusters (D). Cluster II was the largest, consisting of 17 genotypes and cluster VI and VII were with on11one genotype each. The intra cluster D values ranged from 0 (cluster VI and VII) to 7.68 (cluster IX). However the inter cluster D2 values varied from 2.82 to 22.32, the lowest value recorded between cluster I and II and the highest between clusters VI and IX. It was observed that the single genotype in cluster number VI with low performance for majority of the characters studied was the farthest to most of the diverse clusters. Crosses between genotypes of cluster VI with that of cluster III (for high 100 seed weight), cluster IV (for maximum number of pods per plant, pods per cluster, cluster per plant and seed yield per plant) and cluster IX (for better plant height, peduncle length, pod length and seeds per pod) may prove advantageous in realizing new recombinants with desired traits. Maxent (Maximum Entropy) model predicted for the promising accessions of black gram genotypes indicated site suitability for cultivation of these accessions across geographical regions in the climate change regime. p>