
Author Guidelines

Guidelines for Proposal, Submission, and Review of Special Issue Articles

Special Issues should hold current authoritative scientific information in a specific area within the scope of the Journal, should contain articles of the current article types accepted by the journals and should be of excellent quality both in terms of knowledge and grammar.

Special Issues will be handled by Editors and Guest Editors of the same area of research and the proposal submitted by them should be accompanied by a list of potential contributors. The following information should be included as part of the proposal:

  • Proposed title for the Special Issue
  • Purpose and current relevance of the topic
  • List of Guest Editors who can handle articles
  • List of potential contributors
  • Tentative timelines for submission and review process

The papers published in the Special Issues will undergo the normal peer-review process to ensure the quality and meet the Journals’ standards.

 Role of  Handling editor:

  • Review the Special Issue proposals for relevance to current research in the concerned field.
  • Prepare an overview or introduction for the topic of the Special Issue
  • Recommend suitable proposals and their Guest Editors along with their biographies.
  • Once a proposal is accepted by the editor for a Special Issue, the corresponding Guest Editors will be responsible for handling and processing of the Special Issue articles.

Role of Guest Editor(s):

  • Suggest potential authors and invite them for contributing relevant articles for the proposed special issue.
  • Suggest a minimum of 3-5 reviewers for the manuscripts submitted. Each manuscript should be reviewed by at least two reviewers. Guest Editor can act as one of the reviewers.

Submission Process:

  • Special issue articles can include original articles, unpublished research articles and reviews related to the specific theme.
  • Submission should be accompanied by a cover letter with reference to the concerned special issue topic.
  • Manuscripts can be submitted to Online Submission System or sent to mail directly at globalhealth@peerreviewjournal.org. An acknowledgment letter will be issued upon successful submission of the manuscript.
  • Authors are instructed to review the author guidelines before submission.
  • Manuscripts will be accepted for publishing in the Special Issue only after getting approved by the peer review committee selected by the Guest Editor(s).
  • All the articles in Special Issues should strictly adhere to journal style and formatting.
  • Each Special Issue will publish 10-15 online articles.

For further information on Special Issue guidelines and submission process, please email us at submissions@scitechnol.com