肝臓ジャーナル: 病気と移植

抽象的な 2, 音量 1 (2013)


The Effect of Genetic Variations of Methylene Tetrahydropholate Reductase Gene Polymorphisms on Ribavirin-Induced Anemia in Hepatitis C Patients

  • Zuhal Mert Altintas, Engin Altintas, Orhan Sezgin, Tuba Gokdogan Edgunlu, Enver Ucbilek, Erdinc Nayir, Ibrahim Omer Barlas and Mehmet Emin Erdal


The Effectiveness of Venesection Therapy for Haemochromatosis Symptoms

  • O Niewiadomski, A Rode, N Bertalli, L Gurrin, K Allen and AJ Nicoll