
Spinal Intradural Extramedullary Prostate Cancer Metastasis - Report of Two Patients and Review of the Literature

Skold MK, Salci K and Marklund N

Although metastatic spread of prostate carcinoma to the spinal column is common, involvement of the spinal intradural extramedullary compartment is exceedingly rare. Presentation of intradural metastases tends to be late in the course of the disease, is frequently associated with cerebral metastasis and the role of surgery is limited to palliation and prevention of neurological deterioration. However, with prolonged survival in prostate carcinoma, it is plausible that the incidence of spinal intradural extramedullary metastasis will increase. We describe the clinical and radiological findings, the surgical management and postoperative course of two patients with prostate carcinoma metastases to the spinal intradural extramedullary compartment. We conclude that surgery may be indicated in cases where diagnosis is uncertain, prevention of neurological deterioration and pain is possible and in the event of a reasonably long expected survival of the systemic cancer per se.