
New Psychotherapeutic Method in Psychosomatic Diseases like Cancer

Fortuna F

Psychosomatic is the term used to refer to an orientation of the medical, psychological and psychoanalytic sciences, aimed at  emphasizing the aspect of the psychophysical totality of individuals.  The term "psychosomatic" was conceived in 1818 by J. C. Heinroth. Psychosomatic means both the set of morbid states that can create depressive situations in the subject, and the psychic implications in the etiogenesis of organic diseases. To face the issue of the body, keeping adequately in mind its specificity, it is essential to refer to the theoretical dimensions which underlie psychosomatics and deepen them. Personally, I think it is more useful to focus on the question from this last point of view, also, considering the distinction between functional disorders and psychosomatic disorders. Being the first ones linked to an altered, functioning of an organ and related to the mood, while in the latter ones there is first organ impairment in psychosomatic diseases like cancer.The N.M.P.M.P.  (New Psychotherapeutic Method Psychosomatic Diseases) aims to empower the conscious and unconscious psychic resources of the individual, so that he can recover the desire to live  more desirously with consequent reactivation of the functioning of the immune system.