
Euro Psychiatry 2020 Preparation and Realization of Anastomosis in the Placenta for Vascular Neurosurgeon Training

González-Echeverría Kléber Eduardo

To know, the way of preparing the placenta and the dissection of this to perform anastomosis. By means of newly obtained placentas, this exhaustive lavage is performed, a 4fr feeding catheter is placed, one in each artery and one in vein, is made to wash blood vessels with water and then irrigate red paint diluted with diluent, to color the artery, the same procedure is repeated in the vein but blue color for the differentiation of the vessels. These catheters are in continuous color irrigation. Later proceed to microscope time, the removal of the arachnoid simulation, circumferential dissection of arteries and veins of the placenta. Subsequently an artery-artery anastomosis and an artery-vein are performed. By means of newly obtained placentas, this exhaustive lavage is performed, a 4fr feeding catheter is placed, one in each artery and one in vein, is made to wash blood vessels with water and then irrigate red paint diluted with diluent, to color the artery, the same procedure is repeated in the vein but blue color for the differentiation of the vessels. These catheters are in continuous color irrigation. Later proceed to microscope time, the removal of the arachnoid, dissection of arteries and veins of the placenta. Subsequently an arteryartery anastomosis and an artery-vein are performed [1-3]. Two placentas were used in September 2017. The dissection was performed under the supervision of Dr. Feres Chaddad Neto, Vascular Neurosurgeon and Head of the Microsurgical Neuro Techniques Laboratory of the Federal University of Sao Paulo – Brazil (Figure 1). References 1. Romero FR, Fernandes ST, Chaddad-Neto F, Ramos JG, De Campos JM, et al. (2008) Microsurgical techniques using human placenta. Arq Neuropsiquiatr 66: 876-878. 2. Magaldi MO, Nicolato A, Godinho JV, Santos M, Prosdocimi A, et al. (2017) Human placenta aneurysm model for training neurosurgeons in vascular microsurgery. Operative Neurosurgery 10: 592-601. 3. De Oliveira MMR, Ferrarez CE, Ramos TM, Malheiros JA, Nicolato A, et al. (2017) Learning brain aneurysm microsurgical skills in a human placenta model: Predictive Validity. J Neurosurg 24: 1-7.