
Design and Development of an Ajax Enabled Knowledge Sharing System

Jennifer Mosheshe

The paper seeks to describe the design and development process of an Ajax enabled knowledge sharing system using ASP.Net, which provides detailed up-to-date Questions and Answers information on different popular topics. Using Object Oriented Web Modelling approach we were able to model the system requirement specification to generate Use case, Class object and navigational diagrams which are used as a blue print for the system development. In particular more attention was given to the ability of new visitors and registered members to Ask Questions by posting their questions on visited destinations to alert other members who have the answers to their required questions in the Questions and Answers Forum. The result shows that with the use of AJAX, the developed system allowed various students, professionals and the general public to receive information from other individuals online as required. Furthermore, the system design, Ajax and ASP.Net framework were implemented for web content management in order to develop the system. Using ASP.Net several API (Application Programming Interface) were integrated inform of module extensions to develop the user interface functionalities and collect real-time information from other websites inform of RSS feeds and weather report. Also the system utilized hierarchy base structural model to develop the system interface layout allowing us to breakdown the system interface into sections consisting of categories and articles.

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