
Building the livability Capacity of Metropolitan Government in a Middle Income City Context through an Online Training Module

Hannah Badland

To achieve the global aspiration of the SDGs there is an urgency to increase understanding and capabilities that enhance live ability in low-to-middle income cities. Using an international partnership project, this presentation will describe the use of an online training module to: 1) reposition and reprioritize global knowledge of live ability for Bangkok, Thailand; and 2) demonstrate how to utilize live ability spatial indicators to measure and monitor Bangkok. Commencing in 2017, the initial partnership was established between RMIT University (Australia), the Bangkok Metropolitan Administration (Thailand), the UN Global Compact Cities Programme, the Victorian Department of Health and Human Services (Australia), and supported by the Victorian Health Promotion Foundation (VicHealth, Australia). The online training module will be delivered to ~50 representatives within the Bangkok Metropolitan Administration (Thailand) in August 2019. The aims of the module were developed by key stakeholders within the BMA, and module content was developed by the research team. The training module is designed to provide: background material on live ability, the social determinants of health, the SDGs, and relationships with health and wellbeing; training on spatial indicator development and application for monitoring live ability; and progress-to-date guidance on mapping and interpreting indicators within Bangkok. We anticipate the online live ability training module will broadly contribute to live ability in Bangkok by introducing a set of spatially-derived live ability indicators and identifying opportunities for guiding liveable urban policy, planning, and governance; aligning with the aspirations of the SDGs. It anticipated that this proof of concept will be scalable and relevant to other cities globally.