

Journal of Nanomaterials & Molecular Nanotechnology (JNMN) は、 ナノテクノロジー に関連するあらゆる分野の 記事を 隔月で提供します。  JNMN は、重要性と科学的卓越性 の一般的な基準を満たす原稿の提出を歓迎します  。論文は受理後約 30 日後に出版されます。

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If authors wish to retract their paper after rigorous review and revisions, he/she will be labeled to pay 30% of the total expenses on their article as a fee for processing. Since, the review process requires an input of Editors, Reviewers, Associate Managing Editors, Editorial Assistants, Content Writers, Editorial Managing System & other online tracking systems to ensure that the published article is of good quality and is in its best possible form.

Submission of an Article: 

In order to reduce delays, authors should adhere to the level, length and format of the SciTechnol Scholarly Journals at every stage of processing right from manuscript submission to each revision stage. Submitted articles should have a 300 words summary/abstract, separate from the main text. The summary should provide a brief account of the work by clearly stating the purpose of the study and the methodology adopted, highlighting major findings briefly. The text may contain a few short subheadings of no more than 40 characters each. 

Formats for SciTechnol contributions:

SciTechnol Journal accepts various formats of literary works such as research articles, reviews, abstracts, addendums, announcements, article-commentaries, book reviews, rapid communications, letters to the editor, annual meeting abstracts, conference proceedings, calendars, case-reports, corrections, discussions, meeting-reports, news, obituaries, orations, product reviews, hypotheses, and analyses.

Open Access: 

In recent times, there has been a lot of debate on the implementation of Open Access for research publications. Realizing the potential of Open Access in terms of greater visibility and accessibility within and beyond the scientific community, there has been a tremendous boost to the Open Access movement through various Open Access publishers. Considering the importance of OA, SciTechnol is offering open options to authors along with the subscription mode of publication.

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Article Preparation Guidelines:

  • Authors are expected to attach an electronic covering letter completely mentioning the type of manuscript (e.g, Research article, Review articles, Brief Reports, Case study etc.) Unless invited on a special case, authors cannot classify a particular manuscript as Editorials or Letters to the editor or concise communications.
  • Confirm that each individual named as an author meets the uniform requirements of the Journal of Nanomaterials & Molecular Nanotechnology criteria for authorship.
  • Please make sure that the article submitted for review/publication is not under consideration elsewhere simultaneously.
  • Clearly mention financial support or benefits if any from commercial sources for the work reported in the manuscript, or any other financial interests that any of the authors may have, which could create a potential conflict of interest or the appearance of a conflict of interest with regard to the work.
  • A clear title of the article along with complete details of the author/s (professional/institutional affiliation, educational qualifications, and contact information) must be provided on the title page.
  • The corresponding author should include address, telephone number, fax number, and e-mail address on the first page of the manuscript and authors must address any conflict of interest with others once the article is published.
  • Number all sheets in succession, including references, tables, and figure legends.
  • A title page is page 1. On the first page, type the running head (short title for top of each page), title (which cannot include any acronyms), names of the authors and their academic degrees, grants or other financial supporters of the study, address for correspondence and reprint requests, and corresponding author's telephone and fax numbers and e-mail address.

Guidelines for Research Articles:

  • Research articles are articles written based on the empirical/secondary data collected using a clearly defined research methodology, where conclusion/s is drawn from the analysis of the data collected.
  • The information must be based on original research that adds to the body of knowledge in Nanomaterials & Molecular Nanotechnology.
  • Article/s should provide a critical description or analysis of the data presented while adding new and rapidly evolving areas in the field.
  • Include an abstract of maximum of 300 words with 7 to 10 important keywords.
  • The abstract should be divided into Objective, Methods, Results, and Conclusion.
  • Research articles must adhere to a format constituting the introduction followed by a brief review of relevant literature, methodology applied (to collect the data), discussion and References, Tables, and Figure Legends.

Review Articles:

  • Review articles are written based mostly on secondary data that is falling in line with the theme of the journal. They are brief, yet critical discussions on a specific aspect of the subject concerned. Reviews generally start with the statement of the problem with a brief abstract of 300 words and a few keywords. Introduction generally brings the issue forward to the readers followed by analytical discussion with the help of necessary tables, graphs, pictures and illustrations wherever necessary. It summarizes the topic with a conclusion. All the statements or observations in the review articles must be based on necessary citations, providing complete reference at the end of the article.


  • Commentaries are opinion articles written mostly by the veteran and experienced writers on a specific development, recent innovation or research findings that fall in line with the theme of the journal. They are very brief articles with the title and abstract that provides the gist of the topic to be discussed, with few keywords. It straight away states the problems and provides a thorough analysis with the help of the illustrations, graphs, and tables if necessary. It summarizes the topic with a brief conclusion, citing the references at the end.

Case Study:

  • Case studies are accepted with a view to adding additional information related to the investigative research that advances in the field of Nanomaterials & Molecular Nanotechnology.
  • It should add value to the main content/article submitted, by providing key insights about the core area. Cases reports must be brief and follow a clear format such as Cases and Methods Section (That describes the nature of the clinical issue and the methodology adopt to address it), discussion section that analyzes the case and a Conclusion section that sums up the entire case.


  • Editorials are concise commentaries on a currently published article/issue on Nanomaterials & Molecular Nanotechnology. The editorial office may approach for any such works and authors must submit it within three weeks from the date of receiving an invitation.

Clinical Images:

  • Images are nothing but photographic depictions of Nanomaterials & Molecular Nanotechnology and it should not exceed more than 5 figures with a description, not exceeding 300 words. Generally, no references and citations are required here. If necessary, only three references can be allowed.
  • Do not add separate figure legends to images; the entire image text is the figure legend. Images should be submitted with the manuscript in one of the following formats: .tiff (preferred) or .eps.

Letters to the Editor/Concise Communications:

  • Letters to the editor should be limited to commentaries on previous articles published with specific reference to issues and causes related to it.  It should be concise, comprehensive and brief reports of cases or research findings. It does not follow a format such as abstract, subheads, or acknowledgments. It is more a response or the opinion of the reader on a particular article published and should reach the editor within 6 months of article publication.

Acknowledgement: This section includes acknowledgment of people, grant details, funds, etc.

Note: If an author fails to submit his/her work as per the above instructions, they are pleased to maintain clear titles namely headings, subheadings, and respective subtitles.


出版された原稿または受理された原稿のみを参考文献リストに含める必要があります。会議の要約、会議での講演、または提出済みだがまだ受理されていない論文は引用すべきではありません。すべての個人的なコミュニケーションは、関連する著者からの手紙によって裏付けられる必要があります。SciTechnol では、番号付き引用 (引用シーケンス) 方法を使用しています。参考文献は本文中に出現する順序でリストされ、番号が付けられます。本文中では、引用箇所を括弧内の参照番号で示す必要があります。単一の括弧内で複数の引用を行う場合は、カンマで区切る必要があります。 3 つ以上の連続した引用がある場合は、範囲を指定する必要があります。例: 「... 生物学者が 1 回の実験で数千の遺伝子の発現を同時に監視できるようになりました [1、5-7、28]。」引用を注文する前に、原稿の各部分が関連するジャーナルの正しい順序であることを確認してください。図のキャプションと表は原稿の最後にある必要があります。著者は、以下の各参考文献に少なくとも 1 つのオンライン リンクを提供するよう求められます (できれば PubMed)。すべての参考文献は引用論文に可能な限り電子的にリンクされるため、参考文献の適切な形式が重要です。参考文献リストには次のスタイルを使用してください。


  1. Laemmli UK (1970) バクテリオファージ T4 の頭部の組み立て中の構造タンパク質の切断。自然 227: 680-685。
  2. Brusic V、Rudy G、Honeyman G、Hammer J、Harrison L (1998) 進化的アルゴリズムと人工ニューラル ネットワークを使用した MHC クラス II 結合ペプチドの予測。バイオインフォマティクス 14: 121-130。
  3. ドロシェンコ V、アイリッヒ L、ヴィトゥシキナ M、コロコロワ A、リブシッツ V 他(2007) 大腸菌由来の YddG は芳香族アミノ酸の輸出を促進します。 FEMS 微生物レット 275: 312-318。

    注: 最初の 5 人の著者をリストし、その後に「他」を追加してください。追加の著者がいる場合。

電子ジャーナル記事 Entrez プログラミング ユーティリティ


  1. Baggot JD (1999) 家畜における薬物動態の原則: 獣医学臨床薬理学の基礎。 (第 1 版)、WB サンダース カンパニー、フィラデルフィア、ロンドン、トラント。
  2. Zhang Z (2006) 臨床サンプルからのプロテオミクス発現プロファイリング データの差分分析のためのバイオインフォマティクス ツール。テイラー&フランシスCRCプレス。


Hofmann T (1999) クラスター抽象化モデル: テキスト データからのトピック階層の教師なし学習。人工知能に関する国際合同会議の議事録。


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