


この調査は、テクノロジーが原因の思春期肥満の子どもに対する保護者の多様な支援を明らかにすることを目的としています。幼い頃にリスクを蓄積させないためには、子どもの肥満につながる主な要因をできるだけ早く発見して分析することが重要です。この調査では、現象学的アプローチである主観的分析を使用して、6歳から12歳のテクノロジーが原因の思春期肥満の学齢期の子どもに対する保護者の支援を調査し、その感染に対する認識、リスク要因、健康に対する信念を決定づけました。この調査には5つの主要な情報源が関与しており、結果は冷温分析によって主観的に分析されました。保護、甘やかす、期待する、理解する、提示する、想像する、前進させるという、テクノロジーが原因の思春期肥満の子どもに対する保護者のさまざまな支援のタイプを認識する、7つの興味深い特徴が生まれました。この調査では、テクノロジーが引き起こした青少年のストレスに対する学校に対する主要な親の支援(家庭支援)の 7 つの P の仮説を立てました。主要な親は継続的な更新を通じて注意を払っていると考えられており、保護は、この調査で紹介された支援の 1 つとして説明されています。主要な親が成長中に両親から得た経験は、子育てに対するアプローチに影響します。子供の幼少期の包摂は、成人期に進むにつれて彼らの社会的規範に影響します。ほとんどの尊敬すべき親は、当然のことながら、子供を危険から守り、危険について教える傾向があります。これは、保護者であることの一部だからです。この調査では、主要な親が子供にほとんどすべての注意、快適さ、優しさを与え、子供ができるだけ気分よく過ごせるようにし、欲しいものは何でも与えていることが示されています。これは甘やかしとして分類されます。甘やかすことは、子供の欲求や希望を過度に考慮することと解釈することができ、最終的には個人の性格、性質、または態度に影響を与えることになります。親は、愛情と面倒のために、子供たちに独自のやり方を許すことになります。いずれにせよ、これは現代の親にとって素晴らしいことの大きな重荷でもあります。



organic products tomorrow. The obligation is completely on the guardians. Youngsters are brought into the world blameless, however wrong childhood ruins them. Spoiling a kid have a genuine eventual outcomes on his character and the character, thus there are authoritative limits set to reveling your kid. Let the benefits not be misjudged as rights and you are just about right. The harm to affectability can develop into a serious stage if unchecked. Also, one factor that impacts the essential parental figure to deliver ideal consideration to their kids is through anticipating. This investigation accepts that anticipating will in general reason an incredible effect on youngster's advancement, for example, developing a more positive mental self view that eventually prompts achievement. In any case, this can show as unnecessary weight, which can lead the youngster to feel like a failure for not satisfying the parent's desires. All things considered, even in the best of conditions, this can affect youth improvement, making kids embrace characters that may not really be their own. Likewise, anticipating consideration built up the kid to feel mortified, yet in the event that the essential guardian is significant to give an engaging inspiration this can prompt an increase in self-assurance. This examination likewise came about to percepting as one factor of help from essential parental figures to schools with innovation incited corpulence. As per web based child rearing site Raising Children Network (2017), every one of us wants to be regarded, adored, and valued that can make fulfillment to other people. Positive reactions from guardians are important to help the youngster to shape a picture of their self-esteem. This demonstrates in perception, productive affirmation is fundamental to enable the kid to pick up their ideal degree of self-assurance. Besides, precepting is likewise decided in this investigation since the essential parental figures in many cases provides orders or directions that has the ability to request the youngster to adhere to certain standard planned to control conduct or thought. Guardians ought to be urged to recognize difficulties that prevent the structure of compelling relationship with their youngster. The fuse of fitting procedures can change the essential parental figure's encounters into one that is satisfying for their kid. This may prompt a superior child rearing fulfillment that will make a helpful impact for their kids. The essential parental figures should go about as good examples for their children with the end goal for them to have the drive to follow rules. It is fascinating to take note of that respondents likewise show imagining as one of the backings given for their kid with technologyinduced corpulence. The greater part of the reactions accumulated from this examination talk and act in order to cause it to create the impression that something is the situation when in reality it isn't. Child rearing goes a long ways past the necessities for meeting the fundamental endurance needs of the kid, and guardians have huge impact on how youngsters turn out, including their character, enthusiastic turn of events, and conduct propensities, just as a large group of different elements. It is significant for the general advancement of kids that guardians are available enough to help them, and this help encourages certainty and development in numerous territories. Parental figures are regularly reluctant to communicate these negative feelings as a result of their dread of others' decisions the motivation behind why their like to imagine. Essential guardians in this investigation have shown enduring, which is clear of the continuation of a strategy even despite trouble or demoralization. At the point when a youngster learn about worn, drained, debilitated or prepared to surrender, here is the essential parental figure applies exertion exhorting, causing them to feel they are not the only one and cause them to feel that everything will be okay.

of complexities of bringing up a youngster happen with regards to conventional life. An essential parental figure must have the constancy to constantly teach and remind their youngster the best possible rule of control that they should. This investigation is proper to utilize a subjective methodology in a phenomenological strategy to comprehend the essential parental figure's help to their innovation instigated adolescent hefty schools, subsequently making an effect of long lasting advancement of a more beneficial way of life for the youngsters.


This study recognized the different supports of primary caregivers of schools with technology-induced juvenile obesity through qualitative phenomenological method of research. Seven themes emerged defining the seven Ps of support among primary caregivers towards schools with technology-induced juvenile obesity namely: protecting, pampering, projecting, percepting, precepting, pretending and persevering Through “protecting” this serves as their expression to provision of care and concern. Through “pampering” this warrants the behavior of the child. Projecting is the presentation of the problem to other factors. Further, percepting is the respondents’ optimistic way of acknowledging their child’s condition. In addition, precepting gives certain rule intended to regulate behavior or thought. Moreover, pretending defines as acting out as if it is normal. Through persevering this is widely understood on primary caregivers exertion of efforts in raising their children. These 7 Ps of support among primary care giver towards schools with technology induced juvenile obesity should be prompted to have a mutually attachment of collaborative support among healthcare professionals and the governments allowing the percentage reduction of obesity among children. Conducting health education or educative activities for primary care givers is ensured for improving primary caregiver-child interactions in promoting the health and development of vulnerable children to avoid risky obesity at early age. This is through maintaining or enhancing parenting style or supporting style. This is possible with the presence of influential or powerful cues in giving education. The paper provides sense to primary caregivers. Researchers must continue to explore other dimensions and layers of connotation of primary caregivers of schools with technology-induced juvenile obese.


ジョセリン・バルヨット・ヒポナ博士は、9 年間看護教育に携わってきました。彼女は看護学の理学士号を取得しており、その後さらに研究を進め、フィリピンで看護管理学の修士号と教育管理学専攻の哲学博士号を取得しました。彼女は母国の名門大学の大学院プログラムの教員の 1 人です。彼女が人生、特に看護と学問の分野でもっと多くのことを成し遂げようと決意した背景には、彼女を常に励まし、視野を広げるよう後押ししてくれた偉大な人物がいます。彼女は、懸命に努力し、粘り強く努力することで、学習者一人ひとりに特別な感動を与えることができると信じています。なぜなら、多くの場合、生徒たちは私たちがどれだけ知っているかなど気にかけず、私たちがどれだけ気にかけているかを知るまで気にかけないからです。               



ジョセリン・B・ヒポナ、「テクノロジーが原因の若年肥満の学童に対する主な養育者間のネスティング理論の形成」、世界看護会議 2020、第 54 回世界看護・医療会議、2020 年 5 月 13 日〜14 日

免責事項: この要約は人工知能ツールを使用して翻訳されており、まだレビューまたは確認されていません