
Obesity Fitness Expo 2017: Train your head. Body will follow- Sandy Joy Weston- Owner of Weston Fitness, USA

Sandy Joy Weston

“Train Your Mind, Body Will Follow” takes complicated subjects about the brain and body and breaks it down. From her experience as NBC10 Philadelphia’s Fitness expert and coaching members of her gym to athletes, Sandy is able to help a widerange of audiences tap into the power of their mentality. By fusing her expertise on kinesiology and positive psychology, she has created a system which helps her audience cultivate awareness and personal motivation through power statements. The formula was created in collaboration with Professors from Temple University’s Kinesiology Department and The University of Pennsylvania’s Positive Psychology Department to address the way the mind and body function both separately and together. The components of the presentation, such as the creating power statements and tracking personal progress are designed to take between 1-3 minutes per day, making it possible for anyone to adapt to this method of positive thinking. In the same way physical therapy patients work on moving certain muscles, they are working to train their brain on reconnecting the association to these muscles, as well. We are training our brain to create action plans through affirmations and cultivating positive habits. This system is designed not to over-complicate things, but present these ideas in a manner that appeal to our innate craving for action. Not only is the awareness of the mind-body connection shown to make us happier, but the fact that we can tap into our motivations through this connection and increase our abilities to meet our goals, as well. Sandy's goal was to create a book and guide that allows you to redirect your thoughts in a positive and focused way. This book is the culmination - light and fun, it presents simple ways to learn some simple changes you can make in your life, and why these will help you get more out of life. After many years of hands-on research and collaboration with the best teachers, Sandy has developed a 90-day guide and journal, written for the everyday person to help get in the game and see the results instantly. Train your head and your body will follow. It is a combination of a love and passion for fitness, food, science, spirituality, positive psychology and people, all in one. All of our habits, all we want is because we think we will feel better once we get it. Sandy will teach you how to feel better first, which will help you better reach your goals. Writing down positive thoughts and achievements as daily entries to "train your brain" provides an easy way to use positivity to visualize goals, develop action plans, stay motivated and feel the "energy" success - and it can be done in 1 to 3 minutes a day

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