
Effectiveness of Physiotherapy for Children with Spastic Diplegic Cerebral Palsy: A Case Report

Mst Rabea Begum and Md Shujayet Goni

This case study shows the effectiveness of physiotherapy for 4 years old boy with diplegic cerebral palsy. The aim was to find out the effectiveness of physiotherapy for 4 years old boy with diplegic cerebral palsy to improve gross motor function. Before starting physiotherapy treatment, he had lots of impartments on gross motor function and the GMFCS was III, MACS-II, CFCSI, EDACS-I. This child is still continuing physiotherapy session and GMFCS-I, MACS-I. After receiving intensive physiotherapy improved gross motor function specially standing, walking, stair climbing and jumping as well as improving balance and posture. The Modified ash worth scale, goniometer, GMFM, 10 m walk test and TUG were used as outcome measures. There was markedly improved on gross motor function by physiotherapy for this diplegic cerebral palsy.